Same as last year, we held the 3rd RAZZLE DAZZLE at the Honmoku Hilltop Park. The forecast for the day was rain. When I woke up in the morning, I could just see the rain clouds floating outside. By 9am, it was pouring. By 9:30am, the only car there was the Galaxy from Fukushima. As we were all getting gloomy about the turn up, we heard a sound getting louder and louder. Then 2 rods rolled in, then 2, then 3 more, and 30 showed up after all.
In such horrid weather, in rods that are weak to the rain came down to the Razzle Dazzle. That really got all the staff members hard in the heart. We all thank you so much. Once all were in, we ate donuts and sipped on coffee and chatted away about rods, rods, and rods. One said "Every time I wax, it rains!""Check out those tail lights!""Hey it's a chick driving that!" Everyone started to leave around 12, and headed onto the MOON Cafe, AREA1 shopping, or just going home.

Thanks to all who came out and joined us
in the rain at this year's RAZZLE DAZZLE!!!

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